Seeing your family members in this type of mood is a rare occurrence. They're fiery, assertive, and willing to say anything that crosses their mind, except when it comes to exactly what they're up to. You can tell something is going on, but no one will give you even the tiniest of clues....
It's time to stand up for yourself, which has never been something you've shied away from. Right about now, however, you'll be more determined than ever to ensure no one takes advantage of you. Your mission is to resist letting your feelings show in the meantime. It might not be easy...
You've always been drawn to strong, fiery people, the kind who make exciting company simply because you're never quite sure what they might say or do next. Just that type, your type, could be along shortly. But if you don't give yourself some time off from that caretaking job...
Throughout your life, pleasing the one you love has always been at the very top of your priority list. You need to find some time for yourself right now, however. After all, you really need to tend to a personal matter. And while it may end up being a balancing act, and not an easy one either, if...
Subtlety has never been your strong suit, but then you've never wanted it on your list of favorite qualities, so that's not a problem. You much prefer being known for your ability to cut to the chase and your very strong intuition when it comes to reading other people's faces. So...
Every now and then, you need to spend some time alone, thinking about what's really important to you. Take that time now. You really shouldn't let anyone convince you otherwise. Cancel your appointments and sit down quietly in a place you know you won't be disturbed. Take your time....
You're ordinarily far more concerned with home and family matters than with anything that involves your outer life. But right about now you really will be thinking about only one thing: how to let the powers that be know you're entirely capable of getting the job done. Fortunately,...
If you're single, it's going to be a bumpy ride. The last person on earth you'd ever expect to reveal secret feelings to you will be the first one who'll do it. Of course, you've been trying to tell yourself those suspicions you've had were wrong. At this point, you...
If anyone can mingle, it's you. You can chat with anyone about anything, mostly because you know just enough about almost everything to carry on a convincing conversation. You'll be especially believable now. So if you're out with friends and you know that the person you've been...
Better keep a box of tissues handy, because you're about to become unusually sentimental. Nostalgic, even. And maybe in the mood to reminisce. Whatever you're feeling at the moment will emerge, regardless of whether you're comfortable with letting others see it. So if you've...
Enough is enough. It's time to break your routine in a very big way. You're thinking that even if you have to look elsewhere, it might be worth it, and "elsewhere" might mean another city, state, coast, or even country. If a long-distance move has been in the back of your mind for a...
Life is working out just fine at the moment, and you're ready to celebrate. Now, when things go along this well, it's usually because two particular areas are as close to perfect as possible, and those areas are love and money. If that's the case, how about letting everyone else in...